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Plant Care Guide

Updated: Aug 28, 2023

If you’re anything like me then you’re also prone to your majestic plant babies dying every so often ( more than you like to admit). Why does your plant’s leaves suddenly curl as soon as you bring it home? What does the random yellow spot mean on the leaves? The dreaded question of how to know when to give up and start over, and when to hold on for hope that your plant will survive. Well, we decided to create a plant care guide that is always evolving, for all those tough questions that take too long to find answers on google. This guide will answer all your questions and more, if you think we missed something leave a comment and we will get you an answer!

Top Plant Care Tips



10 times out of 10 if your plant’s leaves are curling, it means that your plant is in need of some H2O. Plant’s are great because they can give us signals that help us take care of them easier and better. You will also notice that your plant is in need of water if your soil is dry. Place your index finger about 1 inch deep into your soil and if you don’t feel any moisture, get out that watering can.

Brown Tips

There are a few reasons as to why you might find your plant suffering from brown tips, here’s the possible reasons why:

If your plant is dehydrated, consider changing the direction of your plant. Your plant may love the sun, but probably despises direct sunlight exposure. Dehydration may also occur from under watering, try making a schedule to ensure your plant is on a consistent schedule.

If your soil has salt build up, this may also be a cause of browning tips. Use filtered water to water your plants, unfiltered water contains minerals that can build up in the soil and will be harmful to your plants. Repot your plant in some fresh soil to keep him / her at optimal happiness.

Black Tips

This is also reversible but your plant may be rotting, infected with a fungal or bacterial disease. If your plant is surrounded by others, isolate the infected plant so that the infection does not spread to your other plants.


Indirect vs. Direct Sunlight

It seems simple enough, but I’ve also been guilty of searching up the term more than once on google to find out the difference. Indirect sunlight is achieved when your light source is filtered before reaching the plant. Examples include : drapery, furniture, blinds, etc … It’s important to understand exactly what your plant needs to flourish and position the plant to the correct requirements.


Like I mentioned earlier, plants are intuitive and always give us signals when it's time for a change. Some easy noticeable signs that may indicate it's time for an upgrade include:

  • Roots growing out at the bottom of pot

  • Soil is drying faster than usual

  • Plant looks a bit limp or "sad"

Some plants are easy going, but a majority of plants are particular about their climate, watering cycle and light source. So when you're shopping for the perfect fit, find out what kind of plant parent you want to be first. If you want all the fluff but no fuss, try a snake plant or a succulent. Plants like fiddle leafs, birds of paradise are beautiful and trendy but need a bit more attention than normal. Choose a plant that matches your personality, aesthetic and lifestyle for the best self-care experience.

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